Saturday, February 2, 2008

Wind energy project: AEDB contacts Denmark lab for data validation

ISLAMABAD: The Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) has contacted Rise National Laboratory of Denmark for data validation to identify wind energy generation potential in coastal areas of Pakistan, sources told Daily Times on Sunday.

Pakistan Meteorological Department has conducted a detailed wind power potential survey of the coastal areas of Pakistan to identify potential areas where economically feasible wind farms could be established. The National Laboratory of Denmark will validate the data confirming the opportunities of power generation through wind.

Dr Irfan Younis, Institute of Information Technology director at Arid University, told Daily Times that the country had potential of generating 50,000 MW power through wind on 1046 km long highway in Balochistan and wind was the best alternative source of generating energy when the country was facing a power deficit.

Dr Younis, who is also a research fellow in energy sector, said Pakistan would be facing acute shortage of gas by 2011. “At present the wind energy is being used for the electrification of remote villages in the southern coastal areas of Pakistan. So far more than 18 villages have been electrified using micro wind turbines. The gross wind power potential in Sindh is 43000 MW. However, the exploitable electric power generation potential of this area is estimated to be about 11000 MW,” he added.

The AEDB has issued Letter of Intents to 93 companies to generate 4650-megawatt wind power. Large wind turbines for power generation have not been installed in Pakistan so far, however, about 30 windmills for pumping water have been installed on experimental purposes in different parts of Sindh and Balochistan.

Source: Daily Times, Pakistan

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